- Potential Problems with Narrow Banking
As the Fed decided to reject an application for a narrow bank (TNB), many questions arose as to why the Fed would not like a “safer” bank. But is it really safer?
- The real Goldfinger: the London banker who broke the world
The history of how offshore banking started.
- The Best Research Paper Ever Written on Trading Costs
Trading costs have long been considered as an impact on a portfolio, but how much? Could it be that trading costs are even more impactful than previously thought?
- Framing Turkey’s Financial Vulnerabilites: Some Rhymes with the Asian Crisis, but Not a Repeat
This is the best overview on Turkey’s financial crisis that we have seen. It also points out the similarities between their current situation and the Asian crisis.
- The Reason Turkey's Economic Collapse is so Scary
This short piece discusses the importance that Turkey has on the western world and ultimately, why we should care what is going on.
- Rising Mortgage Rates Haven't Brought Housing To The Tipping Point - Yet
- Portfolio Optimization: A General Framework for Portfolio Choice
Although on the longer side, this whitepaper is definitely worth the time to read. It provides a deep dive into portfolio optimization and is of significant practical value.